Sunday, October 16, 2011

Herman Cain

I was listening to Herman Cain on NPR yesterday. I think he did pretty well. What really got me though is this notion he brought up about being a Main Street business conservative vs Romney, who he said was a Wall Street business conservative. Cain said that, unlike Romney, he knew when to go to the customers to see what they wanted - if he can get that notion out there, and people believe him, he might just pull out a win in the primary, since it is exactly what the people want to hear. in fact, i couldn't put down in words exactly what it is that Republicans want from a business GOP savvy leader until i heard Cain say that 'customer line': they want to be customers again in that staid sense of 'the customer's always right, if you'd just listen to what he wants'. If they are anything eternally, Americans are customers. I think this race is going to get interesting between Romney and Cain.

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