Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ike/ Michelle, My Bell

I think the Republicans realize their best shot at winning the presidency this year is to turn Obama into a caricature: a muslim; a communist; a terrorist; an elitist; a portend of the apocalypse.

It appeared to me that the Dems played defense against that line of attack on Day 1 of the convention in Denver.

Michelle Obama gave, what on tv was, a very sophisticated speech. Her cadence and rhythm were better than many career politicians. Her content was traditional: closed steel plants; parental love; hard work.

Seems to me, there will be plenty of time to draw contrasts between Obama and Bush/McCain. I would imagine Hillary will draw some feisty ones tonight.

Most importantly, I don't think Michelle will be an effective GOP talking point after that speech. Nobody who saw that speech could possibly doubt her passion, her depth, her commitment to family, her rags to riches story or her love of country.

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