Tuesday, August 12, 2008

TDB | Pregunta for the Junta

How did you, in less than a single decade, lose for America its status as a world power?

Utter American impotence, which we've long suspected, has emerged as a fact of international relations. The French, once more, have proven themselves more vigorous and responsible - if not quite successful - in dealing with world crises. And apparently not because they have brilliant and original solutions to offer; but rather simply because we have been forced into abandonment.

There was a time when it meant something to be an American ally. Why has that meaning disappeared - why, rather, is it hiding, cowering? Why is AMERICA forced to hide and cower at all? Why have we learned to be complacent - more than complacent, almost satisfied - with shameful inaction?

A U.S. government analyst and Russia expert, quoted in the Los Angeles Times:
The regular [foreign affairs] tool kit does not really work here... The Russians have plenty of money now, and we need their oil more than they need our credits.
We are we approaching a terrible abyss in international relations - the abyss of the unneeded. And what's more we have become defined by our own neediness.

America's greatness has always come from its willingness - and moreover its capacity - to thoroughly offend extant sensibilities in repeated efforts to improve the world. How is it that we've allowed ourselves to become so fearful of causing offense that we are no longer recognizably American?

We've become a pathetic and impotent force internationally. We don't even deserve the status of World Power anymore. We used to have - or find - solutions; now we don't even have options. Why can't you employ that wealth of evil genius otherwise so prominent in your administration to think of a course of action that, if nothing else, lands us blessedly short of total embarrassment - and well clear of any exacerbation?

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