Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ike/Reply to Mislabeling Obama: Admirably Modern, Not Postmodern

I wanted to respond to my friend's post, which criticizes columnist Jonah Goldberg's understanding of postmodernism.

As my friend pointed out, Goldberg attacked Obama for defining sin as "being out of alignment with my values." Goldberg criticizes Obama for applying his own personal definitions to sin.

Jonah Goldberg has been an eager and willing "soldier" in the right wing smear movement. And he should be--he owes his entire career to its modern dawn.

When the man finally admitted that invading Iraq in 2003 was a mistake, he couldn't help but mutter this nugget about those who opposed the war, nevermind the fact that he admitted they were right:

"In other words, their objection isn't to war per se; it's to wars that advance U.S. interests."

Does this remind you anyone else?

Goldberg's ridiculous assessment of Obama supposes that Obama prescribes to his own, self-created, independent moral code.

Goldberg knows better. The truth is that Obama's views are shaped by the same system to which most Americans prescribe--religion--and another to which fewer prescribe--the law.

"I learned that my sins could be redeemed and that if I placed my trust in Christ, that he could set me on the path to eternal life when I submitted myself to his will and I dedicated myself to discovering his truth and carrying out his works."

Barack Obama said that.

While Goldberg can't ever let the facts get in the way of a good smear, this one is especially audacious.

Here comes the smear machine, parsing words to emphasize the idea that the guy has a messianic complex.

It is sad that the pundits, and John McCain himself, have resorted to these baseless and pathetic arguments. But it is a testament to how desperate they have become in the face of mobilizing and unique opposition.

I don't think my friend's post was wrong. I just don't think Goldberg's words warranted his thoughtful response.

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